Prophecy Seekers


Twins Thomas and Joshua Robertson encounter new clues in deciphering the ancient Hopi prophecies of the second coming of the Messiah when they meet the great-grandson of Louis Riel in Manitoba. The read the unpublished personal notebooks of Louis Riel that lead Thomas on a journey that takes him into the far reaches of northern Burma where he is determined to follow the clues left by past American missionaries who were said to have smuggled a holy relic from Tibet just before the Chinese invasion in the 1950s. The twins find themselves facing the fulfilling of a prophecy that has been dormant for 2000 years…


Identical twins Thomas and Joshua have always suspected that their Canadian hero Louis Riel had known about the untaught history of northern Burma and how it was connected to the history of the Red Man in North America. After a chance meeting with Louis Riel’s great grandson, Thomas takes a journey to Burma where he discovers a trail of clues that lead him to the very north of Burma where an ancient relic lies hidden in a church, waiting to be discovered and returned to Turtle Island. According to the Hopi Prophecies, this relic, once united with the other three sacred stones, will usher in a new era of world history. Once they learn that only identical twins who are Métis can reunite the stones, they decide to follow the clues and discover the truth that lies on the other side of the world…

133 pages (66451 words)

Author’s note: Ambitious, unique and highly original, this novella stands the test of time…

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