The Viking-Poet Handbook


A short dissertation about morality and instinct written in the tradition of Friedrich Nietzsche and aimed at the original thinker who wants something more out of life. This piece explores the boundaries of what is moral for an individual in today’s society, and as if was throughout history in terms of how to live the good life.


Based on years of studying philosophy at university, the author of this piece endeavoured to put down on paper a moral guide for those individuals who chose not to conform to mainstream thought, and for those who employ critical thinking in their approach to life. It is at the same time a somewhat comic look at how the Vikings lived and how it reflects Nietzsche’s life philosophy hundreds of years later, but also explores the shortcomings of traditional symbolic logic in how it is applied to moral issues confronting today’s students of philosophy who choose to define their own path in life…

23 pages (8768 words)

Author’s note: A philosophical tract of hyperbole outlining a new morality for a new age…

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